Turn your move into cash with a garage sale

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Moving house is a great excuse to declutter your life. Why not hold a garage sale and make some extra cash to mitigate your move costs?

Here are 16 tips to plan a killer garage sale:

1) Set the date

First, lock in a date. Saturdays during the pleasant spring and autumn weather are ideal.

2) Check for permits

To avoid fines, check with your local council regarding permits and Covid-19 requirements.

3) Choose a location

Next, choose a location. Highly visible places from the street are best, such as your front yard, garage or driveway. Have a Plan B for bad weather.

4) Tell your neighbours

Give your neighbours a heads-up well in advance with a letter drop or personal invite to ensure they can make it.

5) Promote your garage sale

Promote your event on social media well in advance, and give regular updates to build the anticipation. Put up posters, and consider ads in your local paper.

6) Invite friends

A good crowd creates FOMO for passers-by, so ask friends to come along to create a buzz, and to help you run the day.

7) Collect and prepare your stuff

Gather your sale items well in advance. You may even collect stuff from friends or other garage sales. Inspect and clean every item before the sale.

8) Sort your items

Sort your items into clearly labelled boxes so buyers can easily find what they’re most interested in.

9) Price tags

To avoid being asked “How much is this?” 4 billion times, label each item with a price tag. To save time, put smaller items with the same price on a table with a sign clearly stating the price.

10) Have change handy

Cash is still king for garage sales. Be ready to hand over the exact change so as not to inconvenience your buyers, or cause hold-ups.

11) Offer payment alternatives

Offer other payment methods such as a credit card, Paypal, and bank transfers.

12) Delegate

Give helpers clear instructions beforehand so everyone has a task, and to avoid duplication.

13) Manage the crowd

Check the crowd regularly to ensure there is enough room for everyone to move around easily. Clearly mark entry, exit and payment points.

14) Haggle!

Encourage haggling, as it will help you sell more stuff. Decide beforehand what discounts you’ll offer so you’re not put on the spot.

15) Offer snacks

Keep the fun vibe going – and encourage more shopping – by offering free drinks or snacks.

16) Offer freebies

And finally, think about small token items you can offer to sweeten big or bulk sales.

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